WARNING: Do not enter into any rental or sales
transactions with persons offering their weeks/units for rent or sale without FIRST checking to see if they are indeed Costa Linda members and in good standing --
meaning that their financial obligations to the resort are paid in full. Call or email the Members Relations Dept at 1-888 809 7994 or at members@costalinda-aruba.com
to check on membership status. If you conduct business without checking on membership status, you do so at your own peril. Costa Linda Beach Resort is not responsible
for the outcome of transactions on the private rental and resales board.
Unfortunately in this day and age, hacking is inevitable. To avoid being scammed, do not respond to any email addresses/phone that does not match the one that is
posted in the rental and resales boards. The safest way is not to wire money for payment. Send check in the name of confirmed owner.
New Private Rentals and Sales Posting Policy: All ads offering rentals or sales of weeks at Costa Linda, and those people seeking such weeks, will automatically be removed after 60 days. If an ad is removed before owners have been able to rent or sell their weeks, they will be able to repost them.
Please help to de-clutter these pages and help yourself to avoid repeated inquiries about your units' availability by promptly deleting your ads when your units have been rented or sold.
Just click on your ad and use the X icon to delete the ad. Clicking on the pencil icon allows you to make changes in your information.
If you wish to check the Site Plans of Costa Linda Beach Resort please click here.
Taxes and Surcharge click here.
iPhone Users: Please hold your device in landscape mode.